All, You must watch Kennedy's full speech to see how sincere he is, especially about children's health. See https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-live-rfk-jr-holds-briefing-on-his-presidential-campaign-after-withdrawal-from-arizona-ballot for another link.

And see this link for RFK, Jr.'s full speech at the Trump rally, which is truly amazing and quite a show, albeit a historical one. I agree with Elizabeth's take, this is exciting, electrifying, and hopeful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR3fuaKrEwU.

I have been a never-Trumper, but luckily in Colorado, I will still be able to vote for Kennedy. I wonder: Could this be a turning point?

And I have not forgotten that Trump is not a mature person. And I have not forgotten that Bobby has not said one word about the genocide in Gaza (40,000 dead and the rest starving). Still, I have hope in this moment.

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Thanks for your comment, Fran. At least the two men want to stop the Ukraine war which is probably the most urgent matter at the moment. No one seems willing to do anything about Gaza. In a way, the world is worse now than it was when we couldn't all see what was happening in Gaza…

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RFK Jr.s speech is a standout. The state of health of Americans, which he details in his speech is a sobering reminder of how far those in power have let average citizens down. It will be interesting to see how the campaign unfolds and how the media cover the campaign from here to November.

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Sending appreciation across cyberspace to you, Ray!

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What a hero RFK is! A man of principle, taking great personal risks and facing vilification, even from his own family, to follow his conscience. He’s doing God’s work and God bless him! His speech is a MUST WATCH. Thank you for sharing it Elizabeth.

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Thanks Clare! He's a spirit to love. Check out the interview he gave Tucker Carlson about nature!

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Healthily skeptical, eschewing soul-corroding cynicism, we Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializers (#CREATORS) define #Politics most broadly as “the art of the possible.” Yet, neither are we naive. HIStory is the “story of the winners.” “Appearances are deceiving.”

“All the World’s a Stage.” “Them that has, gets.” It’s both “the Best AND the Worst of Times” and “May you Live in ‘Interesting Times” is both blessing & curse. “Pan e circensus,” bread & circuses keep #WeThePeople mollified, entertained, compliant. Scripted televised deathly violence adjacent to cute cat & dog & pony shows comprise the “Theatre of the Absurd” to which we’re transfixed. There are no accidents in politics.

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Thanks Lew! 🙂

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Thanks, Elizabeth. Not sure I would have found these links so quickly. I am also impressed by the speech, and though I have reservations about both Trump and RFKJr mainly re their failure (so far) to denounce the Israeli genocide in Gaza, I agree with RFKJr on everything else and that's more than enough to support him over Harris. I wonder if Jill Stein has also been approached by Trump.

On another subject, especially since I see Frances Shure's comment below, she might also be interested: https://morrissey.substack.com/p/shake-mohammed-redux.

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Enjoyed your brilliant poem, Michael! Thanks for sending it.

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I hope the Americans who have been wilfully deaf and blind these few years are opening their ears and taking the blinkers off. (I think it's blinders in the USA 🇺🇸 - so I hope they take their blinking blinders off! Not to be confused with the woeful but fanatical Secretary of State, who NEVER does diplomacy.)

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